Let's share a passion for
oriental food !

Welcome to DownTown Brussels, your destination to discover the richness and authenticity of Lebanese cuisine in the heart of Brussels.

Located in the heart of the city

Located in the heart of Brussels, DownTown is easily accessible by public transport and also has parking nearby. Our dishes are served in an elegant and welcoming setting, where you can enjoy Lebanese specialties while taking in the vibrant atmosphere of Brussels.

Veggie Friendly

We are also proud to offer vegetarian and vegan options for our customers who wish to discover Lebanese cuisine while respecting their dietary choices.

A warm atmosphere

At DownTown Brussels, we believe that cooking is a way of sharing a country's culture and history. That's why we strive to recreate the warm and friendly atmosphere of family meals in Lebanon.

A real culinary experience

Our restaurant is proud to offer you a unique culinary experience that will take you on a journey through the flavors and aromas of Lebanon. Our teams put all their know-how and passion into offering you traditional Syrian dishes, prepared with fresh, quality ingredients.

Let yourself be enchanted by the rich, authentic flavours of Lebanese cuisine at DownTown Brussels.

plat libanais